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This function uses the data and the null model to generate null residuals. The null residuals are generated by first regressing random noises on the original regressors, then multiply the obtained residuals by original RSS divided by the current RSS. The results are the null residuals.



Data frame. A data frame that used to fit the model.


Linear Model. The null model.


Boolean. Whether or not to use test on the newly generated data.


A data frame with updated y, .resid, and potentially updated test result.


# Instantiate
x <- rand_uniform()
e <- rand_normal()
test <- vi_model(prm = list(x = x, e = e),
                 prm_type = list(x = "r", e = "r"),
                 formula = y ~ 1 + x + x^2 + e,
                 null_formula = y ~ x,
                 alt_formula = y ~ x + I(x^2))

dat <- test$gen(10)
test$null_resid(dat, test$fit(dat), test = TRUE)
#>           y          x          e     .resid  .fitted test_name statistic
#> 1  3.441043 0.39981093 -0.2018527  1.1069942 2.334049    F-test  1.590544
#> 2  1.956685 0.05564954  0.6577813 -0.6577916 2.614477    F-test  1.590544
#> 3  1.147591 0.93751792 -1.4748553 -0.7483271 1.895918    F-test  1.590544
#> 4  1.187821 0.66930164  0.5465937 -0.9266438 2.114464    F-test  1.590544
#> 5  2.633396 0.23329027  1.8163460  0.1636628 2.469733    F-test  1.590544
#> 6  2.497478 0.13328545  0.5711878 -0.0537396 2.551218    F-test  1.590544
#> 7  2.470786 0.43430630  1.8795511  0.1648445 2.305942    F-test  1.590544
#> 8  1.785301 0.90614375 -1.2087911 -0.1361807 1.921482    F-test  1.590544
#> 9  4.029171 0.64952762 -0.1792063  1.8985942 2.130577    F-test  1.590544
#> 10 1.550555 0.36554707  2.3814244 -0.8114129 2.361968    F-test  1.590544
#>     p_value null
#> 1  0.247652 TRUE
#> 2  0.247652 TRUE
#> 3  0.247652 TRUE
#> 4  0.247652 TRUE
#> 5  0.247652 TRUE
#> 6  0.247652 TRUE
#> 7  0.247652 TRUE
#> 8  0.247652 TRUE
#> 9  0.247652 TRUE
#> 10 0.247652 TRUE