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This function will be called after an instance is built. User input will be stored in the environment. The response variable of this model is y. The formula of y is defined in SIMPLE_CUBIC_MODEL$formula, the null formula is defined in SIMPLE_CUBIC_MODEL$null_formula, the alternative is defined in SIMPLE_CUBIC_MODEL$alt_formula.



Numeric. Default is a = 1.


Numeric. Default is b = 1.


Positive numeric. Default is sigma = 1.


Random variable or closed form expression. Default is x = rand_uniform(-1, 1, env = new.env(parent = parent.env(self))).


Random variable or closed form expression. Default is e = rand_normal(0, sigma, env = new.env(parent = parent.env(self))).


Return the object itself.


# Instantiate
x <- rand_uniform()
e <- rand_normal()

test <- simple_cubic_model(a = 200, b = 200, x = x, e = e)

#> ── <SIMPLE_CUBIC_MODEL object>
#> y = 1 + x + a * x^2 + b * x^3 + e
#>  - x: <RAND_UNIFORM object>
#>    [a: 0, b: 1]
#>  - e: <RAND_NORMAL object>
#>    [mu: 0, sigma: 1]
#> Parameters:
#>  - a: 200
#>  - b: 200
#>  - sigma: 1 

# Generate data
#>            y         x          e    .resid    .fitted
#> 1  168.53846 0.7030087 -1.4971662 -23.70854 192.246999
#> 2  303.31711 0.8922242  0.1585662  19.41738 283.899738
#> 3  159.53752 0.6851842 -0.3788172 -24.07557 183.613093
#> 4  166.67202 0.6975997 -0.2513820 -22.95495 189.626974
#> 5   75.89404 0.4976895  0.2023785 -16.89983  92.793873
#> 6   26.59478 0.3092583  0.2418459  25.07372   1.521064
#> 7  372.68988 0.9691593  0.8063879  51.52411 321.165770
#> 8   19.91782 0.2682683  0.3946286  38.25161 -18.333790
#> 9  140.99932 0.6501972 -0.1771570 -25.66668 166.666004
#> 10  84.94296 0.5247555 -0.5556692 -20.96124 105.904197

# Generate lineup
test$gen_lineup(10, k = 3)
#>              y           x          e      .resid    .fitted test_name
#> 1    8.2979016 0.161186423  1.1029437  -0.1810592   8.478961    F-test
#> 2  256.4668756 0.832564333  0.5810179  46.9087077 209.558168    F-test
#> 3   84.6665356 0.523206639 -0.2507683 -32.2383011 116.904837    F-test
#> 4    4.2535880 0.099319639  0.9854447  14.3038692 -10.050281    F-test
#> 5   13.0242841 0.218025394  0.2264736 -12.4780776  25.502362    F-test
#> 6    1.4488015 0.005001875  0.4387708  39.7474671 -38.298666    F-test
#> 7   35.7144364 0.361099309 -1.1421487 -32.6388873  68.353324    F-test
#> 8   10.0986066 0.194766170 -0.1605784  -8.4375648  18.536171    F-test
#> 9  114.0838802 0.594807324 -0.3581386 -24.2655241 138.349404    F-test
#> 10 189.1403245 0.733409113  0.9306020   9.2793701 179.860954    F-test
#> 11  -8.0670428 0.161186423  1.1029437 -16.5460036   8.478961    F-test
#> 12 207.5567827 0.832564333  0.5810179  -2.0013852 209.558168    F-test
#> 13 104.0802194 0.523206639 -0.2507683 -12.8246173 116.904837    F-test
#> 14  -1.8858816 0.099319639  0.9854447   8.1643997 -10.050281    F-test
#> 15   0.2215766 0.218025394  0.2264736 -25.2807851  25.502362    F-test
#> 16  13.7648935 0.005001875  0.4387708  52.0635591 -38.298666    F-test
#> 17  42.2702022 0.361099309 -1.1421487 -26.0831215  68.353324    F-test
#> 18   5.8680439 0.194766170 -0.1605784 -12.6681274  18.536171    F-test
#> 19 127.0132471 0.594807324 -0.3581386 -11.3361571 138.349404    F-test
#> 20 226.3731930 0.733409113  0.9306020  46.5122386 179.860954    F-test
#> 21  -4.2545274 0.161186423  1.1029437 -12.7334883   8.478961    F-test
#> 22 205.0324757 0.832564333  0.5810179  -4.5256922 209.558168    F-test
#> 23  79.6824498 0.523206639 -0.2507683 -37.2223869 116.904837    F-test
#> 24 -32.5116747 0.099319639  0.9854447 -22.4613934 -10.050281    F-test
#> 25  77.6324531 0.218025394  0.2264736  52.1300913  25.502362    F-test
#> 26 -16.0025462 0.005001875  0.4387708  22.2961194 -38.298666    F-test
#> 27  50.8838919 0.361099309 -1.1421487 -17.4694318  68.353324    F-test
#> 28  -2.7992422 0.194766170 -0.1605784 -21.3354135  18.536171    F-test
#> 29 165.7153670 0.594807324 -0.3581386  27.3659627 138.349404    F-test
#> 30 193.8165869 0.733409113  0.9306020  13.9556325 179.860954    F-test
#>       statistic      p_value k  null
#> 1  8174.6834385 4.937111e-11 1 FALSE
#> 2  8174.6834385 4.937111e-11 1 FALSE
#> 3  8174.6834385 4.937111e-11 1 FALSE
#> 4  8174.6834385 4.937111e-11 1 FALSE
#> 5  8174.6834385 4.937111e-11 1 FALSE
#> 6  8174.6834385 4.937111e-11 1 FALSE
#> 7  8174.6834385 4.937111e-11 1 FALSE
#> 8  8174.6834385 4.937111e-11 1 FALSE
#> 9  8174.6834385 4.937111e-11 1 FALSE
#> 10 8174.6834385 4.937111e-11 1 FALSE
#> 11   11.4741510 8.903986e-03 2  TRUE
#> 12   11.4741510 8.903986e-03 2  TRUE
#> 13   11.4741510 8.903986e-03 2  TRUE
#> 14   11.4741510 8.903986e-03 2  TRUE
#> 15   11.4741510 8.903986e-03 2  TRUE
#> 16   11.4741510 8.903986e-03 2  TRUE
#> 17   11.4741510 8.903986e-03 2  TRUE
#> 18   11.4741510 8.903986e-03 2  TRUE
#> 19   11.4741510 8.903986e-03 2  TRUE
#> 20   11.4741510 8.903986e-03 2  TRUE
#> 21    0.1754956 8.431973e-01 3  TRUE
#> 22    0.1754956 8.431973e-01 3  TRUE
#> 23    0.1754956 8.431973e-01 3  TRUE
#> 24    0.1754956 8.431973e-01 3  TRUE
#> 25    0.1754956 8.431973e-01 3  TRUE
#> 26    0.1754956 8.431973e-01 3  TRUE
#> 27    0.1754956 8.431973e-01 3  TRUE
#> 28    0.1754956 8.431973e-01 3  TRUE
#> 29    0.1754956 8.431973e-01 3  TRUE
#> 30    0.1754956 8.431973e-01 3  TRUE

# Plot the lineup