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This function will be called after an instance is built. User input will be stored in the environment. The response variable of this model is y. The formula of y is defined in QUARTIC_MODEL$formula, the null formula is defined in QUARTIC_MODEL$null_formula, the alternative is defined in QUARTIC_MODEL$alt_formula.



Numeric. Default is a = 1.


Numeric. Default is b = 1.


Numeric. Default is c = 1.


Positive numeric. Default is sigma = 1.


Random variable or closed form expression. Default is x = rand_uniform(-1, 1, env = new.env(parent = parent.env(self))).


Random variable or closed form expression. Default is e = rand_normal(0, sigma, env = new.env(parent = parent.env(self))).


Return the object itself.


# Instantiate
x <- rand_uniform()
e <- rand_normal()

test <- quartic_model(a = 200, b = 200, c = 20, x = x, e = e)

#> ── <QUARTIC_MODEL object>
#> y = 1 + x + a * x^2 + b * x^3 + c * x^4 + e
#>  - x: <RAND_UNIFORM object>
#>    [a: 0, b: 1]
#>  - e: <RAND_NORMAL object>
#>    [mu: 0, sigma: 1]
#> Parameters:
#>  - a: 200
#>  - b: 200
#>  - c: 20
#>  - sigma: 1 

# Generate data
#>            y         x            e     .resid    .fitted
#> 1  266.48809 0.8326320  0.938881482  -1.800431 268.288523
#> 2   26.51895 0.3091217  0.008264311  30.234716  -3.715769
#> 3  205.34567 0.7511824 -0.403337227 -20.623480 225.969154
#> 4  299.17899 0.8731442  0.071562534   9.841233 289.337754
#> 5  218.28410 0.7693290  0.067087294 -17.113629 235.397727
#> 6  328.83247 0.9072684 -0.614122881  21.764498 307.067971
#> 7  345.78039 0.9256728 -0.840134614  29.149906 316.630481
#> 8  111.29668 0.5848244 -1.035898785 -28.236563 139.533243
#> 9  212.67593 0.7591172  1.533917315 -17.415968 230.091894
#> 10 257.80709 0.8236224 -0.632095091  -5.800283 263.607369

# Generate lineup
test$gen_lineup(10, k = 3)
#>              y         x           e      .resid   .fitted test_name
#> 1   54.3271881 0.4284965 -0.23259193  -1.5709352  55.89812    F-test
#> 2   39.1302801 0.3733132 -0.90920584   8.0983724  31.03191    F-test
#> 3  122.5927703 0.6104263 -1.81007892 -15.2849231 137.87769    F-test
#> 4   21.1949939 0.2725567  0.90514030  35.5650532 -14.37006    F-test
#> 5  110.0813949 0.5798953 -0.01716754 -14.0387046 124.12010    F-test
#> 6  103.9378940 0.5716289 -2.47815205 -16.4572710 120.39516    F-test
#> 7  295.0216335 0.8686505 -0.23346133  40.7852952 254.23634    F-test
#> 8  121.5066421 0.6049306 -0.23855210 -13.8946337 135.40128    F-test
#> 9   90.9914387 0.5342331  0.25253545 -12.5527408 103.54418    F-test
#> 10  84.1062062 0.5147296  0.92304862 -10.6495125  94.75572    F-test
#> 11  61.5382280 0.4284965 -0.23259193   5.6401047  55.89812    F-test
#> 12   2.4728132 0.3733132 -0.90920584 -28.5590945  31.03191    F-test
#> 13 151.5442297 0.6104263 -1.81007892  13.6665363 137.87769    F-test
#> 14  -0.6372846 0.2725567  0.90514030  13.7327747 -14.37006    F-test
#> 15 122.1688830 0.5798953 -0.01716754  -1.9512165 124.12010    F-test
#> 16  76.1001927 0.5716289 -2.47815205 -44.2949723 120.39516    F-test
#> 17 254.3409886 0.8686505 -0.23346133   0.1046503 254.23634    F-test
#> 18 147.1006095 0.6049306 -0.23855210  11.6993337 135.40128    F-test
#> 19 104.6043717 0.5342331  0.25253545   1.0601922 103.54418    F-test
#> 20 123.6574099 0.5147296  0.92304862  28.9016913  94.75572    F-test
#> 21  10.5135488 0.4284965 -0.23259193 -45.3845745  55.89812    F-test
#> 22  31.4304791 0.3733132 -0.90920584   0.3985714  31.03191    F-test
#> 23 140.7893153 0.6104263 -1.81007892   2.9116219 137.87769    F-test
#> 24  -3.7014761 0.2725567  0.90514030  10.6685833 -14.37006    F-test
#> 25 153.2225809 0.5798953 -0.01716754  29.1024814 124.12010    F-test
#> 26 113.2009035 0.5716289 -2.47815205  -7.1942615 120.39516    F-test
#> 27 238.3662294 0.8686505 -0.23346133 -15.8701090 254.23634    F-test
#> 28 162.9525012 0.6049306 -0.23855210  27.5512254 135.40128    F-test
#> 29 108.2715220 0.5342331  0.25253545   4.7273425 103.54418    F-test
#> 30  87.8448377 0.5147296  0.92304862  -6.9108810  94.75572    F-test
#>       statistic      p_value k  null
#> 1  1124.3940219 1.716002e-07 3 FALSE
#> 2  1124.3940219 1.716002e-07 3 FALSE
#> 3  1124.3940219 1.716002e-07 3 FALSE
#> 4  1124.3940219 1.716002e-07 3 FALSE
#> 5  1124.3940219 1.716002e-07 3 FALSE
#> 6  1124.3940219 1.716002e-07 3 FALSE
#> 7  1124.3940219 1.716002e-07 3 FALSE
#> 8  1124.3940219 1.716002e-07 3 FALSE
#> 9  1124.3940219 1.716002e-07 3 FALSE
#> 10 1124.3940219 1.716002e-07 3 FALSE
#> 11    0.2059589 8.881709e-01 1  TRUE
#> 12    0.2059589 8.881709e-01 1  TRUE
#> 13    0.2059589 8.881709e-01 1  TRUE
#> 14    0.2059589 8.881709e-01 1  TRUE
#> 15    0.2059589 8.881709e-01 1  TRUE
#> 16    0.2059589 8.881709e-01 1  TRUE
#> 17    0.2059589 8.881709e-01 1  TRUE
#> 18    0.2059589 8.881709e-01 1  TRUE
#> 19    0.2059589 8.881709e-01 1  TRUE
#> 20    0.2059589 8.881709e-01 1  TRUE
#> 21    1.8892705 2.492128e-01 2  TRUE
#> 22    1.8892705 2.492128e-01 2  TRUE
#> 23    1.8892705 2.492128e-01 2  TRUE
#> 24    1.8892705 2.492128e-01 2  TRUE
#> 25    1.8892705 2.492128e-01 2  TRUE
#> 26    1.8892705 2.492128e-01 2  TRUE
#> 27    1.8892705 2.492128e-01 2  TRUE
#> 28    1.8892705 2.492128e-01 2  TRUE
#> 29    1.8892705 2.492128e-01 2  TRUE
#> 30    1.8892705 2.492128e-01 2  TRUE

# Plot the lineup