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This function will be called after an instance is built. User input will be stored in the environment. The response variable of this model is y. The formula of y is defined in POLY_MODEL$formula, the null formula is defined in POLY_MODEL$null_formula, the alternative is defined in POLY_MODEL$alt_formula. The formula for the raw orthogonal polynomial term is defined in POLY_MODEL$raw_z_formula, and the scaled orthogonal polynomial term is defined in POLY_MODEL$z_formula.



Integer. The shape of the orthogonal polynomial used in the model. Note it should be a value between 1 to 4. Default is shape = 1.


Positive numeric. Default is sigma = 1.


Boolean. Whether or not to include z in the formula of y. Default is include_z = TRUE.


Random variable or closed form expression. Default is x = rand_uniform(-1, 1, env = new.env(parent = parent.env(self))).


Random variable or closed form expression. Default is e = rand_normal(0, sigma, env = new.env(parent = parent.env(self))).


Return the object itself.


# Instantiate
x <- rand_uniform()
e <- rand_normal(sigma = 0.5)

test <- poly_model(shape = 1, x = x, e = e)

#> ── <POLY_MODEL object>
#> y = 1 + x + include_z * z + e
#>  - x: <RAND_UNIFORM object>
#>    [a: 0, b: 1]
#>  - z: <CLOSED_FORM object>
#>    EXPR = (raw_z - min(raw_z))/max(raw_z - min(raw_z)) * 2 - 1
#>     - raw_z: <CLOSED_FORM object>
#>       EXPR = hermite(shape)((x - min(x))/max(x - min(x)) * 4 - 2)
#>        - x: <RAND_UNIFORM object>
#>          [a: 0, b: 1]
#>  - e: <RAND_NORMAL object>
#>    [mu: 0, sigma: 0.5]
#> Parameters:
#>  - shape: 1
#>  - include_z: TRUE
#>  - sigma: 1 

# Generate data
#>             y          x      raw_z          z           e      .resid
#> 1  2.82918402 0.99206147  3.0000000  1.0000000 -0.16287746  0.43127384
#> 2  1.18415371 0.32417575 -0.4060480 -0.7046933  0.56467131  0.14006221
#> 3  1.45230931 0.23659775  0.2859441 -0.3583581  0.57406970  0.58574029
#> 4  1.10669575 0.64739654 -0.6748962 -0.8392492  0.29854844 -0.59257122
#> 5  0.12738603 0.40899947 -0.8246092 -0.9141791 -0.36743434 -1.08864498
#> 6  0.91455446 0.52503913 -0.9960829 -1.0000000  0.38951532 -0.53669143
#> 7  3.24321498 0.92981657  2.0338006  0.5164267  0.79697167  0.97147655
#> 8  1.57651064 0.02784324  3.0000000  1.0000000 -0.45133259  1.13309149
#> 9  0.05887894 0.40170245 -0.7983379 -0.9010306 -0.44179295 -1.14236085
#> 10 0.95571796 0.23192334  0.3302999 -0.3361585  0.05995314  0.09862408
#>      .fitted
#> 1  2.3979102
#> 2  1.0440915
#> 3  0.8665690
#> 4  1.6992670
#> 5  1.2160310
#> 6  1.4512459
#> 7  2.2717384
#> 8  0.4434191
#> 9  1.2012398
#> 10 0.8570939

# Generate lineup
test$gen_lineup(10, k = 3)
#>             y           x      raw_z          z           e      .resid
#> 1   0.5661146 0.464207984 -0.8315598 -0.9158039  0.01771045 -0.72833381
#> 2  -0.6533803 0.386998348 -0.9999500 -1.0000000 -1.04037869 -1.84380747
#> 3   1.5131674 0.002796276  3.0000000  1.0000000 -0.48962883  0.84035936
#> 4   2.1179047 0.768493104  3.0000000  1.0000000 -0.65058840  0.41350599
#> 5   0.7062670 0.431980628 -0.9414075 -0.9707284  0.24501472 -0.54476286
#> 6   3.1096976 0.724419444  2.1320477  0.5660184  0.81925975  1.46467745
#> 7   0.6738162 0.536686856 -0.3774092 -0.6887257 -0.17414497 -0.71827989
#> 8   0.2255530 0.494252309 -0.6780956 -0.8390708 -0.42962847 -1.10937278
#> 9   2.7763821 0.680455114  1.3718759  0.1859278  0.90999921  1.19059319
#> 10  1.7428003 0.028456856  2.4817662  0.7408799 -0.02653640  1.03542082
#> 11  1.3539328 0.464207984 -0.8315598 -0.9158039  0.01771045  0.05948446
#> 12  0.2050582 0.386998348 -0.9999500 -1.0000000 -1.04037869 -0.98536897
#> 13 -0.1714869 0.002796276  3.0000000  1.0000000 -0.48962883 -0.84429503
#> 14  2.2200728 0.768493104  3.0000000  1.0000000 -0.65058840  0.51567408
#> 15  3.3877251 0.431980628 -0.9414075 -0.9707284  0.24501472  2.13669531
#> 16  0.8792281 0.724419444  2.1320477  0.5660184  0.81925975 -0.76579210
#> 17  2.8587838 0.536686856 -0.3774092 -0.6887257 -0.17414497  1.46668776
#> 18  0.5664912 0.494252309 -0.6780956 -0.8390708 -0.42962847 -0.76843462
#> 19  0.3700902 0.680455114  1.3718759  0.1859278  0.90999921 -1.21569872
#> 20  1.1084273 0.028456856  2.4817662  0.7408799 -0.02653640  0.40104782
#> 21  2.5209435 0.464207984 -0.8315598 -0.9158039  0.01771045  1.22649515
#> 22 -0.2402070 0.386998348 -0.9999500 -1.0000000 -1.04037869 -1.43063414
#> 23  1.2726077 0.002796276  3.0000000  1.0000000 -0.48962883  0.59979959
#> 24  0.4758463 0.768493104  3.0000000  1.0000000 -0.65058840 -1.22855243
#> 25  3.0939044 0.431980628 -0.9414075 -0.9707284  0.24501472  1.84287453
#> 26  2.2088480 0.724419444  2.1320477  0.5660184  0.81925975  0.56382785
#> 27  0.5499036 0.536686856 -0.3774092 -0.6887257 -0.17414497 -0.84219246
#> 28  0.7270716 0.494252309 -0.6780956 -0.8390708 -0.42962847 -0.60785420
#> 29  2.3191896 0.680455114  1.3718759  0.1859278  0.90999921  0.73340076
#> 30 -0.1497851 0.028456856  2.4817662  0.7408799 -0.02653640 -0.85716465
#>      .fitted test_name  statistic     p_value k  null
#> 1  1.2944484    F-test 20.1814245 0.002824028 3 FALSE
#> 2  1.1904271    F-test 20.1814245 0.002824028 3 FALSE
#> 3  0.6728081    F-test 20.1814245 0.002824028 3 FALSE
#> 4  1.7043987    F-test 20.1814245 0.002824028 3 FALSE
#> 5  1.2510298    F-test 20.1814245 0.002824028 3 FALSE
#> 6  1.6450202    F-test 20.1814245 0.002824028 3 FALSE
#> 7  1.3920961    F-test 20.1814245 0.002824028 3 FALSE
#> 8  1.3349258    F-test 20.1814245 0.002824028 3 FALSE
#> 9  1.5857889    F-test 20.1814245 0.002824028 3 FALSE
#> 10 0.7073795    F-test 20.1814245 0.002824028 3 FALSE
#> 11 1.2944484    F-test  0.4726027 0.513917579 1  TRUE
#> 12 1.1904271    F-test  0.4726027 0.513917579 1  TRUE
#> 13 0.6728081    F-test  0.4726027 0.513917579 1  TRUE
#> 14 1.7043987    F-test  0.4726027 0.513917579 1  TRUE
#> 15 1.2510298    F-test  0.4726027 0.513917579 1  TRUE
#> 16 1.6450202    F-test  0.4726027 0.513917579 1  TRUE
#> 17 1.3920961    F-test  0.4726027 0.513917579 1  TRUE
#> 18 1.3349258    F-test  0.4726027 0.513917579 1  TRUE
#> 19 1.5857889    F-test  0.4726027 0.513917579 1  TRUE
#> 20 0.7073795    F-test  0.4726027 0.513917579 1  TRUE
#> 21 1.2944484    F-test  0.1342374 0.724901776 2  TRUE
#> 22 1.1904271    F-test  0.1342374 0.724901776 2  TRUE
#> 23 0.6728081    F-test  0.1342374 0.724901776 2  TRUE
#> 24 1.7043987    F-test  0.1342374 0.724901776 2  TRUE
#> 25 1.2510298    F-test  0.1342374 0.724901776 2  TRUE
#> 26 1.6450202    F-test  0.1342374 0.724901776 2  TRUE
#> 27 1.3920961    F-test  0.1342374 0.724901776 2  TRUE
#> 28 1.3349258    F-test  0.1342374 0.724901776 2  TRUE
#> 29 1.5857889    F-test  0.1342374 0.724901776 2  TRUE
#> 30 0.7073795    F-test  0.1342374 0.724901776 2  TRUE

# Plot the lineup

test <- poly_model(shape = 1, include_z = FALSE, x = x, e = e)

test <- poly_model(shape = 2, x = x, e = e)

test <- poly_model(shape = 3, x = x, e = e)

test <- poly_model(shape = 4, x = x, e = e)