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This function will be called after an instance is built. User input will be stored in the environment. The response variable of this model is y. The formula of y is defined in NON_NORMAL_MODEL$formula, the null formula is defined in NON_NORMAL_MODEL$null_formula, the alternative is defined in NON_NORMAL_MODEL$alt_formula.



Random variable or closed form expression. Default is x = rand_uniform(-1, 1, env = new.env(parent = parent.env(self))).


Random variable or closed form expression. Default is e = rand_lognormal(0, sigma, env = new.env(parent = parent.env(self))).


Return the object itself.


# Instantiate
x <- rand_uniform()
e <- rand_lognormal(sigma = 0.5)

test <- non_normal_model(x = x, e = e)

#> ── <NON_NORMAL_MODEL object>
#> y = 1 + x + e
#>  - x: <RAND_UNIFORM object>
#>    [a: 0, b: 1]
#>  - e: <RAND_LOGNORMAL object>
#>    [mu: 0, sigma: 0.5] 

# Generate data
#>           y          x         e       .resid  .fitted
#> 1  2.391012 0.01560364 1.3754081  0.539550663 1.851461
#> 2  1.495592 0.04114743 0.4544442 -0.375927998 1.871520
#> 3  2.590158 0.34181611 1.2483416  0.482534139 2.107624
#> 4  1.759085 0.09582660 0.6632586 -0.155371920 1.914457
#> 5  2.427548 0.73897184 0.6885760  0.008052568 2.419495
#> 6  1.716567 0.27015548 0.4464114 -0.334784286 2.051351
#> 7  2.062545 0.39075994 0.6717851 -0.083512351 2.146057
#> 8  2.251777 0.72791796 0.5238587 -0.159038378 2.410815
#> 9  2.716843 0.99019490 0.7266486  0.100072086 2.616771
#> 10 2.152389 0.42629773 0.7260916 -0.021574523 2.173964

# Generate lineup
test$gen_lineup(10, k = 3)
#>           y         x         e       .resid  .fitted    test_name statistic
#> 1  2.432726 0.1191926 1.3135333 -0.103540120 2.536266 Shapiro-test 0.9681300
#> 2  2.729167 0.3289581 1.4002093  0.086483796 2.642684 Shapiro-test 0.9681300
#> 3  3.149750 0.8069489 1.3428012  0.264573837 2.885176 Shapiro-test 0.9681300
#> 4  2.579223 0.1635338 1.4156888  0.020461501 2.558761 Shapiro-test 0.9681300
#> 5  2.745409 0.1375378 1.6078709  0.199835785 2.545573 Shapiro-test 0.9681300
#> 6  2.679236 0.4886426 1.1905930 -0.044458591 2.723694 Shapiro-test 0.9681300
#> 7  3.322861 0.5347001 1.7881604  0.575800602 2.747060 Shapiro-test 0.9681300
#> 8  2.309022 0.4300653 0.8789563 -0.384955367 2.693977 Shapiro-test 0.9681300
#> 9  2.169324 0.6201941 0.5491296 -0.621108735 2.790432 Shapiro-test 0.9681300
#> 10 2.789020 0.6037949 1.1852253  0.006907291 2.782113 Shapiro-test 0.9681300
#> 11 2.674269 0.1191926 1.3135333  0.138003015 2.536266 Shapiro-test 0.8851872
#> 12 2.905962 0.3289581 1.4002093  0.263278731 2.642684 Shapiro-test 0.8851872
#> 13 3.099489 0.8069489 1.3428012  0.214312940 2.885176 Shapiro-test 0.8851872
#> 14 2.267033 0.1635338 1.4156888 -0.291728334 2.558761 Shapiro-test 0.8851872
#> 15 2.857039 0.1375378 1.6078709  0.311466570 2.545573 Shapiro-test 0.8851872
#> 16 2.666306 0.4886426 1.1905930 -0.057387771 2.723694 Shapiro-test 0.8851872
#> 17 2.063661 0.5347001 1.7881604 -0.683399090 2.747060 Shapiro-test 0.8851872
#> 18 2.387457 0.4300653 0.8789563 -0.306519700 2.693977 Shapiro-test 0.8851872
#> 19 3.119989 0.6201941 0.5491296  0.329556833 2.790432 Shapiro-test 0.8851872
#> 20 2.864530 0.6037949 1.1852253  0.082416805 2.782113 Shapiro-test 0.8851872
#> 21 2.574754 0.1191926 1.3135333  0.038488048 2.536266 Shapiro-test 0.8987383
#> 22 2.826197 0.3289581 1.4002093  0.183513606 2.642684 Shapiro-test 0.8987383
#> 23 2.689916 0.8069489 1.3428012 -0.195260104 2.885176 Shapiro-test 0.8987383
#> 24 2.823730 0.1635338 1.4156888  0.264969380 2.558761 Shapiro-test 0.8987383
#> 25 1.970917 0.1375378 1.6078709 -0.574655601 2.545573 Shapiro-test 0.8987383
#> 26 2.519623 0.4886426 1.1905930 -0.204071456 2.723694 Shapiro-test 0.8987383
#> 27 3.125421 0.5347001 1.7881604  0.378361165 2.747060 Shapiro-test 0.8987383
#> 28 2.950641 0.4300653 0.8789563  0.256663813 2.693977 Shapiro-test 0.8987383
#> 29 3.077492 0.6201941 0.5491296  0.287059814 2.790432 Shapiro-test 0.8987383
#> 30 2.347044 0.6037949 1.1852253 -0.435068665 2.782113 Shapiro-test 0.8987383
#>      p_value k  null
#> 1  0.8729865 1 FALSE
#> 2  0.8729865 1 FALSE
#> 3  0.8729865 1 FALSE
#> 4  0.8729865 1 FALSE
#> 5  0.8729865 1 FALSE
#> 6  0.8729865 1 FALSE
#> 7  0.8729865 1 FALSE
#> 8  0.8729865 1 FALSE
#> 9  0.8729865 1 FALSE
#> 10 0.8729865 1 FALSE
#> 11 0.1495836 2  TRUE
#> 12 0.1495836 2  TRUE
#> 13 0.1495836 2  TRUE
#> 14 0.1495836 2  TRUE
#> 15 0.1495836 2  TRUE
#> 16 0.1495836 2  TRUE
#> 17 0.1495836 2  TRUE
#> 18 0.1495836 2  TRUE
#> 19 0.1495836 2  TRUE
#> 20 0.1495836 2  TRUE
#> 21 0.2122056 3  TRUE
#> 22 0.2122056 3  TRUE
#> 23 0.2122056 3  TRUE
#> 24 0.2122056 3  TRUE
#> 25 0.2122056 3  TRUE
#> 26 0.2122056 3  TRUE
#> 27 0.2122056 3  TRUE
#> 28 0.2122056 3  TRUE
#> 29 0.2122056 3  TRUE
#> 30 0.2122056 3  TRUE

# Plot the lineup

test <- non_normal_model(x = x, e = rand_lognormal(sigma = 0.1))

test <- non_normal_model(x = x, e = rand_lognormal(sigma = 0.5))

test <- non_normal_model(x = x, e = rand_lognormal(sigma = 1))

test <- non_normal_model(x = x, e = rand_lognormal(sigma = 2))