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This function will be called after an instance is built. User input will be stored in the environment. The response variable of this model is y. The formula of y is defined in CUBIC_MODEL$formula, the null formula is defined in CUBIC_MODEL$null_formula, the alternative is defined in CUBIC_MODEL$alt_formula.



Numeric. Default is a = 1.


Numeric. Default is b = 1.


Numeric. Default is c = 1.


Positive numeric. Default is sigma = 1.


Random variable or closed form expression. Default is x = rand_uniform(-1, 1, env = new.env(parent = parent.env(self))).


Random variable or closed form expression. Default is z = rand_uniform(-1, 1, env = new.env(parent = parent.env(self))).


Random variable or closed form expression. Default is e = rand_normal(0, sigma, env = new.env(parent = parent.env(self))).


Return the object itself.


# Instantiate
x <- rand_uniform()
z <- rand_uniform()
e <- rand_normal()

test <- cubic_model(a = 200, b = 200, c = 1, x = x, z = z, e = e)

#> ── <CUBIC_MODEL object>
#> y = 1 + (2 - c) * x + c * z + a * (((2 - c) * x)^2 + (c * z)^2) + b * (((2 - c) * x)^3 + (c * z)^3) + e
#>  - x: <RAND_UNIFORM object>
#>    [a: 0, b: 1]
#>  - z: <RAND_UNIFORM object>
#>    [a: 0, b: 1]
#>  - e: <RAND_NORMAL object>
#>    [mu: 0, sigma: 1]
#> Parameters:
#>  - a: 200
#>  - b: 200
#>  - c: 1
#>  - sigma: 1 

# Generate data
#>             y          x         z           e     .resid  .fitted
#> 1  142.261912 0.50613202 0.4635440  0.23195582 -66.925513 209.1874
#> 2  290.318543 0.14852255 0.8733548 -2.55009678  -3.880668 294.1992
#> 3  350.623812 0.61950183 0.7900710  0.43012355 -43.509727 394.1335
#> 4  534.580165 0.84462647 0.8526638 -0.69666013  45.140550 489.4396
#> 5    6.660578 0.04072794 0.1335064  1.10036207  87.643775 -80.9832
#> 6  153.678911 0.32775041 0.6198681 -1.27667090 -75.585953 229.2649
#> 7  584.973574 0.79517564 0.9541092 -0.56985678  62.991878 521.9817
#> 8  323.493326 0.21486282 0.9018162  0.82060968  -3.440864 326.9342
#> 9  173.308391 0.65581186 0.3266761  0.58069824 -16.387581 189.6960
#> 10 442.258050 0.42121073 0.9893733 -0.04571533  13.954104 428.3039

# Generate lineup
test$gen_lineup(10, k = 3)
#>            y          x          z          e     .resid   .fitted test_name
#> 1   36.24446 0.23011326 0.30207653 -2.0781075 -11.337853  47.58231    F-test
#> 2  370.38420 0.78813454 0.66124136  0.5204272 -34.782762 405.16696    F-test
#> 3  212.07907 0.01767204 0.77138057 -0.5777430  36.104331 175.97474    F-test
#> 4  357.89635 0.85754417 0.51425928  2.2306483  -8.093742 365.99010    F-test
#> 5  551.61866 0.76828639 0.93756790 -0.4757793  32.982394 518.63627    F-test
#> 6  457.98661 0.69734395 0.87949402 -0.4314085  -9.771313 467.75792    F-test
#> 7   82.45019 0.30156060 0.44287898  0.4315099 -52.301848 134.75204    F-test
#> 8  170.50860 0.70162816 0.07838648 -0.1328384  50.879395 119.62921    F-test
#> 9  431.00046 0.88238663 0.64117824  0.4085165   0.672237 430.32822    F-test
#> 10 138.68686 0.62520825 0.19502245  0.7223721  -4.350839 143.03770    F-test
#> 11  94.22715 0.23011326 0.30207653 -2.0781075  46.644835  47.58231    F-test
#> 12 389.24929 0.78813454 0.66124136  0.5204272 -15.917668 405.16696    F-test
#> 13 145.90705 0.01767204 0.77138057 -0.5777430 -30.067686 175.97474    F-test
#> 14 367.16545 0.85754417 0.51425928  2.2306483   1.175358 365.99010    F-test
#> 15 532.01487 0.76828639 0.93756790 -0.4757793  13.378599 518.63627    F-test
#> 16 435.87184 0.69734395 0.87949402 -0.4314085 -31.886077 467.75792    F-test
#> 17 153.35819 0.30156060 0.44287898  0.4315099  18.606148 134.75204    F-test
#> 18  74.53132 0.70162816 0.07838648 -0.1328384 -45.097885 119.62921    F-test
#> 19 478.29653 0.88238663 0.64117824  0.4085165  47.968312 430.32822    F-test
#> 20 138.23377 0.62520825 0.19502245  0.7223721  -4.803935 143.03770    F-test
#> 21  73.03134 0.23011326 0.30207653 -2.0781075  25.449029  47.58231    F-test
#> 22 459.13155 0.78813454 0.66124136  0.5204272  53.964594 405.16696    F-test
#> 23 153.36176 0.01767204 0.77138057 -0.5777430 -22.612982 175.97474    F-test
#> 24 320.36488 0.85754417 0.51425928  2.2306483 -45.625214 365.99010    F-test
#> 25 489.50304 0.76828639 0.93756790 -0.4757793 -29.133229 518.63627    F-test
#> 26 465.65637 0.69734395 0.87949402 -0.4314085  -2.101550 467.75792    F-test
#> 27 149.51801 0.30156060 0.44287898  0.4315099  14.765970 134.75204    F-test
#> 28  93.16773 0.70162816 0.07838648 -0.1328384 -26.461481 119.62921    F-test
#> 29 466.27908 0.88238663 0.64117824  0.4085165  35.950858 430.32822    F-test
#> 30 138.84171 0.62520825 0.19502245  0.7223721  -4.195994 143.03770    F-test
#>       statistic      p_value k  null
#> 1  2016.6763772 1.791589e-05 3 FALSE
#> 2  2016.6763772 1.791589e-05 3 FALSE
#> 3  2016.6763772 1.791589e-05 3 FALSE
#> 4  2016.6763772 1.791589e-05 3 FALSE
#> 5  2016.6763772 1.791589e-05 3 FALSE
#> 6  2016.6763772 1.791589e-05 3 FALSE
#> 7  2016.6763772 1.791589e-05 3 FALSE
#> 8  2016.6763772 1.791589e-05 3 FALSE
#> 9  2016.6763772 1.791589e-05 3 FALSE
#> 10 2016.6763772 1.791589e-05 3 FALSE
#> 11    4.5409905 1.220741e-01 1  TRUE
#> 12    4.5409905 1.220741e-01 1  TRUE
#> 13    4.5409905 1.220741e-01 1  TRUE
#> 14    4.5409905 1.220741e-01 1  TRUE
#> 15    4.5409905 1.220741e-01 1  TRUE
#> 16    4.5409905 1.220741e-01 1  TRUE
#> 17    4.5409905 1.220741e-01 1  TRUE
#> 18    4.5409905 1.220741e-01 1  TRUE
#> 19    4.5409905 1.220741e-01 1  TRUE
#> 20    4.5409905 1.220741e-01 1  TRUE
#> 21    0.7775372 6.067149e-01 2  TRUE
#> 22    0.7775372 6.067149e-01 2  TRUE
#> 23    0.7775372 6.067149e-01 2  TRUE
#> 24    0.7775372 6.067149e-01 2  TRUE
#> 25    0.7775372 6.067149e-01 2  TRUE
#> 26    0.7775372 6.067149e-01 2  TRUE
#> 27    0.7775372 6.067149e-01 2  TRUE
#> 28    0.7775372 6.067149e-01 2  TRUE
#> 29    0.7775372 6.067149e-01 2  TRUE
#> 30    0.7775372 6.067149e-01 2  TRUE

# Plot the lineup