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This function calculates the movement of a single fire per step time indexes. It collects hot spots per step time indexes, then takes the mean or median of the longitude and latitude as the centre of the fire.


get_fire_mov(result, cluster, step = 1, method = "mean")



spotoroo object. A result of a call to hotspot_cluster().


Integer. The membership label of the cluster.


Integer (>0). Step size used in the calculation of the fire movement.


Character. Either "mean" or "median", method of the calculation of the centre of the fire.


A data.frame. The fire movement.

  • membership : Membership labels.

  • lon : Longitude of the centre of the fire.

  • lat : Latitude of the centre of the fire.

  • timeID : Time indexes.

  • obsTime : Observed time (approximated).

  • ignition : Whether or not it is a ignition point.


# \donttest{

  # Time consuming functions (>5 seconds)

  # Get clustering results
  result <- hotspot_cluster(hotspots,
                          lon = "lon",
                          lat = "lat",
                          obsTime = "obsTime",
                          activeTime = 24,
                          adjDist = 3000,
                          minPts = 4,
                          minTime = 3,
                          ignitionCenter = "mean",
                          timeUnit = "h",
                          timeStep = 1)
#> ──────────────────────────────── SPOTOROO 0.1.6 ────────────────────────────────
#> ── Calling Core Function : `hotspot_cluster()` ──
#> ── "1" time index = 1 hour 
#>  Transform observed timetime indexes
#>  970 time indexes found
#> ── activeTime = 24 time indexes | adjDist = 3000 meters 
#>  Cluster
#>  16 clusters found (including noise)
#> ── minPts = 4 hot spots | minTime = 3 time indexes 
#>  Handle noise
#>  6 clusters left
#>  noise proportion : 0.935 %
#> ── ignitionCenter = "mean" 
#>  Compute ignition points for clusters
#>  average hot spots : 176.7
#>  average duration : 131.9 hours
#> ── Time taken = 0 mins 1 sec for 1070 hot spots 
#>  0.001 secs per hot spot
#> ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

  # Get fire movement of the first cluster
  mov1 <- get_fire_mov(result, cluster = 1, step = 3, method = "mean")
#>    membership      lon       lat timeID             obsTime ignition
#> 1           1 149.3000 -37.77000      1 2019-12-29 13:10:00     TRUE
#> 2           1 149.3067 -37.77778      4 2019-12-29 17:00:00    FALSE
#> 3           1 149.3133 -37.77333      7 2019-12-29 19:20:00    FALSE
#> 4           1 149.3100 -37.77000     10 2019-12-29 22:50:00    FALSE
#> 5           1 149.2900 -37.77000     24 2019-12-30 12:40:00    FALSE
#> 6           1 149.2867 -37.75333     42 2019-12-31 06:50:00    FALSE
#> 7           1 149.2850 -37.75249     45 2019-12-31 09:10:00    FALSE
#> 8           1 149.2800 -37.74999     48 2019-12-31 12:40:00    FALSE
#> 9           1 149.2800 -37.74999     51 2019-12-31 15:50:00    FALSE
#> 10          1 149.2800 -37.75199     54 2019-12-31 18:10:00    FALSE
#> 11          1 149.2733 -37.76666     65 2020-01-01 05:50:00    FALSE
#> 12          1 149.2767 -37.75500     68 2020-01-01 09:00:00    FALSE
#> 13          1 149.2767 -37.74999     71 2020-01-01 12:00:00    FALSE
#> 14          1 149.2800 -37.74999     74 2020-01-01 14:50:00    FALSE
#> 15          1 149.2800 -37.74500     77 2020-01-01 17:20:00    FALSE
#> 16          1 149.2720 -37.74800     87 2020-01-02 03:20:00    FALSE
#> 17          1 149.2627 -37.75181     90 2020-01-02 07:00:00    FALSE
#> 18          1 149.2588 -37.74823     93 2020-01-02 10:00:00    FALSE
#> 19          1 149.2617 -37.74333     97 2020-01-02 14:00:00    FALSE
#> 20          1 149.2625 -37.75249    113 2020-01-03 05:40:00    FALSE
#> 21          1 149.2400 -37.75999    116 2020-01-03 08:50:00    FALSE

  # Get fire movement of the second cluster
  mov2 <- get_fire_mov(result, cluster = 2, step = 6, method = "median")
#>    membership    lon    lat timeID             obsTime ignition
#> 1           2 146.72 -36.84    229 2020-01-08 01:40:00     TRUE
#> 2           2 146.72 -36.84    235 2020-01-08 08:00:00    FALSE
#> 3           2 146.72 -36.82    241 2020-01-08 14:00:00    FALSE
#> 4           2 146.72 -36.82    254 2020-01-09 03:00:00    FALSE
#> 5           2 146.72 -36.80    260 2020-01-09 08:20:00    FALSE
#> 6           2 146.72 -36.84    282 2020-01-10 06:10:00    FALSE
#> 7           2 146.76 -36.86    304 2020-01-11 05:00:00    FALSE
#> 8           2 146.76 -36.86    310 2020-01-11 11:00:00    FALSE
#> 9           2 146.78 -36.90    327 2020-01-12 04:00:00    FALSE
#> 10          2 146.78 -36.90    334 2020-01-12 10:10:00    FALSE
#> 11          2 146.78 -36.89    359 2020-01-13 11:30:00    FALSE
#> 12          2 146.82 -36.86    377 2020-01-14 06:00:00    FALSE
# }